Saturday, September 6, 2014

Busy Mom- A Satisfying Saturday

Last night I totally went to bed at 8:30 and Shane made fun of me for it! Oh it felt so good though I don't care. I woke up early today and got my workout in- weights and cardio! 2 for 1 special!!! I checked in with my awesome challengers, showered, and started to make a grocery list.

Taylor and I cleaned after her breakfast while my awesome hubby cleaned all of the windows! It wasn't even 10 am and look at us go!

After drinking the healthiest thing of the day, Shakeology, I decided Taylor and I needed to  do a project. We were going to use up some of our saved toilet paper rolls to make pretend binoculars. I never throw them away. I just keep them in our art container until we use them for some type of craft like today. Taylor got a hold of the scissors while I wasn't looking and cut a hole in her shirt. Other than that and the fact that our binoculars turned out lopsided, we had fun!

I kept my grocery list under budget AND managed to get some additional fall decor for the house. Go me! This week's meal plan:

Tonight- chicken and veggie tin foil dinners
Sunday- steak/broth fondue
Monday- BBQ chicken & healthy coleslaw
Tuesday- panko chicken salad
Wednesday- Chicken Noodle Soup
Thursday- Tilapia, cooked veggies, rice

While Taylor napped, I started planning her birthday party! Yes, I'm crazy because it's not until December. I put up the rest of our fall decor right before it started raining! I may be the only house on my street ready for fall, but I don't care. "The cold never bothered me anyway"...

Now, how to spend our evening? A long walk, snuggles while we watch a movie, a museum maybe? It's always so nice to work first and then have the rest of the Saturday to play! Shout out to Melony Warner for the great tin-foil dinner recipe!!!

Day 30- Positive changes, positive results!

I started this summer with many goals to work on different things in my life- balance, health, family, faith, etc. Starting the second week of September, I can definitely say that I've made positive changes and seen positive results!

My summer started off with becoming a Beach Body coach. Through coaching, I've expanded friendships, continued my goal of working towards health and fitness, helped others get closer to their goals, and worked on myself! One of my favorite things that Beach Body encourages is personal development. Some of my favorite reads have been "The Go Giver", "How to Win Friends & Influence People" and "PUSH". Currently, I'm on day 5 of PUSH and have already implemented what I'm learning and seeing immediate results!!!

The challengers that I've had the opportunity to work with this summer have helped to keep me motivated and focused. All this fitness stuff isn't just something I'm trying out- I'm committed and in love. I'm not perfect but I'm not turning back. It's been awesome to see challengers go down this same path! And seeing them make progress is seriously inspiring.

Taylor and I spent the summer doing "preschool", playing and exploring, reading scriptures, making friends, and making healthier meals. She also practiced "Down Dog", "PiYo Flip", and squats with her mama. Her vocabulary exploded and her favorite three word sentence is- I did it!!! She's become obsessed with Frozen... and asks for me to sing it to her every time we're in the car. The soundtrack is in Shane's car so I'm thinking we might need to get another copy...

Macaroni hats

Arts and Crafts

Shane started a new job and a new calling at church. It's been wonderful to see him home early on Fridays and to see him exercise his priesthood at a greater capacity in our awesome ward. We've loved spending time with Taylor in the evenings and cleaning the house together on weekends. He is such a fun dad and we have each other's back when it comes to discipline.

Shane's plane lasted less than 2 minutes in the air before it crashed...
My testimony has grown from more consistent prayer, scripture reading, and teaching the gospel to Taylor. My life is more organized and focussed on what is really important to me- family, faith, fitness, and friends. I can actually wake up early and work out before work. Reaching out and serving is more fun than sitting at home doing nothing.

For any of the changes that I've made- I know that it all comes back to how I spend my time. When I focus on how I spend my time I see positive results in the areas of my life that are most important. Going back to school shook things up a bit, but with some motivation and guidance I'm getting back on track and KNOW that positive results will continue to happen!!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Day 27,28, 29 Summer is almost over!

Day 27- Finished my 10K!!!

About a month ago, I set out to complete a 10K as one of my goals for summer. Last Friday night, I smashed that goal!

Shane and I had arrange for my dad to come out and spend the night. He was going to help support me at the race and watch Taylor. He came over right after work and enjoyed dinner with us. Then he played with Taylor and watched Frozen for the very first time. It was sweet to watch him spend some one on one time with her. It was so funny, because Taylor had seen only pieces of the movie before because she couldn't sit still. This time, she was so captivated by it and couldn't look away!

Taylor and Grandpa Steve mesmerized by Frozen.  
After Taylor went to bed, I had to wait a couple more hours before it was time to head down to the race. It started at 11:30 so my dad and I headed down at 11pm. I had decked myself out neon clothes and glow sticks. My friend Molly met me down there and she had made herself some pretty awesome glow in the dark braids!

Molly and I before the race!
This was a big deal to me because I hadn't been able to run like this since way before Taylor was born. Within a month, I was able to get myself to run a mile, then 2, then 3, and then 4. I was going to run 6 miles and my promise to myself was that I wasn't going to stop and I wasn't going to go slower than about a 12 min mile.

Molly and I ran together the entire time giving ourselves pep talks to keep going. It was such a nice night out and the trail was great! Little lights from glow sticks could been seen bouncing all along the way. We ended up running a lot faster than anticipated! We completed it with an 11 min mile and we both sprinted across the finish line. Molly was the 17th  person to cross the finish line and I was the 20th! 

I did it!
My dad had returned home to watch Taylor so Shane could greet me at the finish line! I felt so alive sprinting my hardest during the last few seconds of the race. It felt so good accomplish something that proved to myself I CAN!!!

Now, I don't want to lose motivation or ability so I've signed up for another 10K on August 9th. Pushing myself to go farther, I've also signed up for my second half marathon! On August 30th I'll be running a half marathon down Emigration Canyon!

Day 28- My Summer Bucket List

I used to be really into Pinterest. During the spring I was so excited for summer break that I kept looking at Pins for all these fun ideas and activities to do with Taylor. Some of the Pins would be title "Summer Bucket Lists"... things that you had to do before summer was over because they were just that awesome! Well, I came up with a summer to do list of my own and now that summer is almost over I can either look at the list and get all frantic about all the things that I haven't accomplished yet or be happy to be enjoying summer with my little girl and the memories we've made. 

  • We've gone on picnics
  • We've gone on many MANY walks
  • We clean the house together
  • We cook together
  • We play sidewalk chalk together 
  • We blow bubbles together
  • We play in her little pool together
  • We water the flowers together
  • We go to the community pool
  • We took swim lessons together
  • We went camping together
  • We color and paint together
  • We sit on the porch together
  • We've laid around watching cartoons together
  • We've done our own "preschool" most mornings where she's expanded her vocabulary
  • We've gone out to lunch just the two of us
  • We go to the library weekly
  • We've watched fireworks together
  • We read scriptures together
  • We've cleaned the church together
  • We've visited family and friends
  • We've worked out together!!!
  • We've been to the aquarium
  • We've been to the zoo
  • We've been to Thanksgiving Point
  • We've milked a cow
  • We've napped together....
I don't need Pinterest to tell me the most important 100 things that I need to do with my child over the summer to make it meaningful. Just being together and doing what kids do in the summer was meaningful for me. Sure, there's things on my own to do list that will still probably not get done before I go back to teaching mid-August. I'm ok with that. She will only have ONE summer where she is one year old. I know that I haven't missed it. I've loved our summer together!

My favorite thing? Sitting out on the front patio as the sun sets and watching Taylor play. Taylor is squealing because she is excited she found another rock to show me. Shane is sitting next to me.

Day 29- Plans and Plateaus!

I only have a couple of weeks left before I'm back at work. One of MY goals that I had this summer was to kick a plateau I've been on with my weight loss. Plateaus occasionally happen and no matter how long they lasted I always broke through! I know that hard work and adjustments help push me through so I continue to reach new fitness and health goals. 

Right now, I'm running and doing PiYo. I love it!!!

I know that my eating needs to be better and that I need be focused on my long term goals and not instant gratification. Cold Stone Ice Cream is instant gratification... Just saying. Some days I've even worked out three times, but fitness is nothing without nutrition. 

I'm excited for my last Challenge Group for the summer. It's a 60 day challenge focusing on nutrition and fitness. The complete package. We're going to follow a 30 day meal plan and I'm starting the challenge off by doing 3 Day Refresh. It's brand new from Beach Body and so many people have seen great results and have loved  it! I'm not hoping- I'm COMMITTED to refresh my body and get off of this plateau on the 28th. That's when our challenge starts. I'm so excited. This is the biggest challenge I've done so far. I'm excited for the challengers that will be doing it with me and the progress that I know they will make!!! For myself, I'm going to lose 10 more pounds before school starts. Hopefully, we will be able to get pregnant this fall and I want to be at my goal weight before that happens. I want to be healthy for this baby!

Also, I'm getting to the point where I need several other coaches working with me. I know there are people out there who are wanting to help motivate others (and themselves) while they are on their own fitness & health journey.  I want to find them! 

When I first became a coach, I thought the discount will be great and I'm excited to learn what my coaches have learned. Now, I'm grateful that I am blessed to be in a position to help, coach, and motivate people to go after their goals. This job entails my favorite things- teaching, marketing, inspiring, and fitness/health. It not only holds you accountable but it seriously makes you walk the walk.

I want to help one person learn about this job and work with them! 

Monday, July 7, 2014

Day 25 & Day 26- Temple Service and 10K Training

Day 25- Service in the Temple

I love the temple! As a young girl, I really would dream about what the temple looked like on the inside and what it would be like, what I would I learn, and who I would marry in there some day. As a college student, I would take TRAX down to the SLC temple and would sit on the plaza staring up at the temple, read my scriptures, and write in my journal. As a wife and mother, I love to sit in the temple with my spouse holding hands and love to take Taylor to the temple grounds. The Primary song is still true for me- I love to see the temple!

When we lived in Centerville, there were one or two times when volunteers were needed from our ward to help clean the temple. Because it was during the school year, it would have been difficult to fulfill the service so early in the morning or so late at night. I had a strong desire though to serve the Lord and help clean the Lord's house.

My opportunity came last Sunday! A signup sheet was passed around during church to help clean the temple! I was so excited and signed up! I arrived at the temple in my Sunday best and walked in with a smile on my face and gratitude in my heart for the opportunity.

There were over 40 people there with me that had volunteered to spend their late evening helping to clean the temple. With reverence, we were given instructions and sent to complete our tasks. While cleaning, a very warm feeling came over my heart. I realized that some recent prayers of mine had been answered. I had been praying for opportunities to serve others for a week or two. In the temple, it became known to me all the ways I had been able to serve the last couple of weeks. I had received multiple opportunities to serve, had a heart desiring to serve, and took action to serve in the opportunities. I just didn't realize all of those acts were acts of service until I was in the temple. I know that Heavenly Father was teaching me about how my prayers WERE answered.

I am so grateful for the opportunity to serve and to be served by others. I am grateful for the temple and all of the blessings it has brought to my life. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve the Lord and the members in my community by helping to keep the temple clean.

Oahu Temple- taken from our visit during our honeymoon

DAY 26- Training for a 10K

I'm so excited! I registered for a 10 K that will take place in 11 days!!!! I can't believe I am going to do it! It's at midnight and will be glow in the dark themed! I haven't ran in a race since before Taylor was born so probably 2011. I know I can currently run 2 miles, but I need to get up to six. With dedication I know I can do it. 
Shane and I (with Shane's best friend Paul in the background) right before I started running Leg 1 of Ragnar Las Vegas

Taken after completing the Salt Lake Half Marathon
In my early twenties, I participated in two Ragnar Races, one Half Marathon, and several 5ks. It's not a matter of if I can run a 10K, but if I'm willing to work and train for a 10k. I want to do this for multiple reasons, but the biggest reason is because I want to show myself that I CAN DO IT! I am in better shape than I've been thinking. I want that feeling of accomplishment again- that I killed a goal that I set for myself. I really love a quote I found the other day about being in your own way. My own fears and doubts are the only thing that can keep me from training for this 10K. Am I going to let them? I am not. I am not going to let fear and doubt stand between me and training for this 10K. There is no reason why I can't run, train, and complete a 10K on the night of the 18th! 

I'm going to have my husband and parents there to cheer me on!!!! I don't care if I feel like collapsing afterwards or if I have to talk out loud to myself to keep my motivation up.... I'm going to finish!

Friday, June 27, 2014

Day 24- My Favorite "Go To Meals"

I've been asked about this a lot lately so I'm putting together a list of my favorite food ideas that I've loved since the beginning of the year. Some of them require a recipe and some of them don't! I'm not a strictly clean eater but I've found some regular meals that are liveable, realistic, and delicious! We can still eat healthier and modify our meals without feeling like we're "dieting". It's about finding ways to make a better choice....

  • Oatmeal
  • Shakeology
  • Honey Chia bread toasted (Costco)
  • Eggs (vegi omellete, hard boiled, or scrambled)
  • Special K with Red Berries and  Almond Breeze milk
  • Grapefruit and Plain Greek Yogurt
  • Any Greek Yogurt for that matter with fruit.... :) 

  • I pair sandwiches with a small pile of kettle cooked chips and fruit (apples and plums are my favorite with sandwiches!)
  • Turkey sandwich with avocado, tomato, lettuce
  • Turkey sandwich with lettuce, tomato, pickle
  • Leftovers from the night before (chicken/rice, soups, chicken tacos, and steak are all still good the next day!)
  • Anything curry... really hits the spot! During the school year I look to buy the curry meals in the organic freezer section. 
  • Dole Cesar Salad kit with rotisserie chicken from Costco. 
  • Eggs
  • Tuna over sliced tomatoes
  • Arugula and spinach salad with feta, mandarin oranges, walnuts, and balsamic vinaigrette
  • Spinach salad with dried cranberries, almonds, and poppy-seed dressing 
  • Chicken with a slice of ham and a slice of swiss cheese on top- baked- vegetables on the side
  • Vegi burger with a Thinwich for a bun, dressed with avocado slices and salsa.(TRUST ME)
  • Fruit salad (berries, grapes, banana, apple) on the side of a lean protein
  • Turkey roll ups- place feta or goat cheese with avocado inside a slice of turkey and roll up! 
  • Open fajitas- cook steak strips, peppers, and onions with fajita seasoning and olive oil. Place a little cheddar cheese on top at the end. Use one small tortilla and tear into pieces and throw it on top! 
  • Orchard Chicken Salad- "Our Best Bites" Cookbook/Blog

Dinner Favorites

  • Rotisserie chicken pieces mixed with Dole Cesar Salad
  • Grilled Baja Citrus Chicken with a mango/avocado salsa on top, served on rice- Life As Mrs. Larson Recipe
  • Tin Foil Chicken Dinners- Recipe
  • Grilled chicken tacos- with either lettuce or broccoli slaw, fat free sour cream, fresh salsa, pinch of cheese
  • Lemon Pepper Tilapia- frozen tilapia cooked in electric frying pan with evoo, lemon juice, and lemon pepper.
  • Whole Wheat Spaghetti with EVOO and Parmesan cheese
  • Tortellini Soup- (with or without sausage) Our Best Bites Recipe
  • Steak- (marinades, bbq, rub)
  • Chicken breast stuffed with feta and pesto- slit the side, insert filling, bake
  • Grilled Chicken/Steak Skewers- pieces of steak or chicken on skewers with zucchini, peppers, onion
  • Grilled Pineapple Chicken Skewers- pieces of chicken, drizzle of soy sauce or teriyaki sauce, and pineapple chunks

  • Green Salads
  • Cooked Zucchini
  • Avocado/Mango/Red Pepper mix
  • Baked potato slices with EVOO, garlic, salt, pepper
  • Asparagus
  • Grilled pineapple
  • Fruit salad- berries, banana, apple, melon
  • Green beans
  • Cubed orange squash- baked
  • Corn on the cob
  • Rice
  • Whole grain pasta with marinara, evoo, or homemade mushroom sauce
  • Tomato slices with fresh mozzarella and basil on top
  • Sauteed mushrooms with garlic and onion
  • Cooked carrots with evoo and parsley
  • Cooked broccoli

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Day 22 & 23- Appreciation in small things and hurtful moments

Day 22- Appreciating the Small Things

Taylor accidentally erased this even as I was typing. The other day I was on a walk with her over to the Oquirrh Temple and was thinking about how incredibly blessed I am to be the mother to this precious daughter of God. I appreciate her sweet spirit so much and the happiness she has brought to our little family. This little one year old has taught me a lot about giving, patience, forgiveness, love, and fun.

  • Whenever I tell her let's go for a walk she'll run and find my sandals and try to help me put them on. 
  • While cleaning the house Taylor will clean and "wipe" things down with us. She also loves to vacuum and sweep. 
  • She will say she's sorry by nuzzling her head in our chest and giving a warm smile. 
  • When Shane comes home she lights up like a Christmas tree and that look is only reserved for him. 
Shane and Taylor walking to swim lessons! 

  • Even if we accidentally bonk her (she is at just the right height to get bonked often) she will show forgiveness by hugging us after we've said we're sorry. 
  • She will run up to us randomly to hug us and lay her head on us. Also if she catches our glance while she is playing she will pull a funny face to make us laugh. 
  • When she sees a baby she will say hi and try her best to be "soft". 
  • MY FAVORITE!!! Whether it's an animal or a bug, Taylor shows love and appreciation to all of God's little creatures. She will talk to them and watch them with the most loving care a one year old could muster. Taylor will get excited over an ant walking by her toes and get the most joyful and curious look on her face!

Taylor is trying to pick up a bug that looked injured...

Day 23- Finding Appreciation in a Hurtful Moment

Taylor and I went to the library to return our books and she kept running around. I think she really likes the other kids, the child sized furniture, and all the books to choose from. While we were waiting to check out our books, one of the items dropped from my hands. I had a squirmy Taylor in one arm and a pile of children's books in the other. The mother in front of me said "Oh let me get that for you" with a kind smile on her face. She bent down to pick up the item and said "It's hard enough to have a one year old, but to have a one year old and to be pregnant is REALLY hard." She gave me sympathetic eyes while she put the item in my hand. I said "Thank you so much" without pausing or showing the hurt that her comment had made. However, I couldn't stop thinking about ir while we checked out our books... while we walked to the car... while I drove home... and while I tried to enjoy the evening with my family.

I couldn't stop thinking about it because I KNOW that at my heaviest weight after having Taylor I still looked like I was pregnant. I didn't just look like I was barely showing- I looked like I was 6 months along. For any woman, it's hard to be overweight but it aches to be so overweight that people mistake you for carrying another life in your belly. I had been working so hard! I had gained close to 50 pounds with Taylor and have lost all of it. What is left is a work in progress...  I thought my body was showing progress as well so this made me take a step back and look at what had just happened. 

Another woman with sincere intentions was trying to help me out because she thought I was pregnant and struggling with my one year old in a library. That was very kind of her. On the other hand, she didn't know that I have lost 30 lbs, bra sizes, pant and shirt sizes, and inches in the last couple of months. She didn't know that I used to have a hard time going to church because I felt that no matter what I wore I looked frumpy. She didn't know that I've struggled with my weight for the past 7 years of my life and am finally doing something about. She didn't know that I'm so happy about working out and eating healthier that I'm a coach now. 

But she didn't need to know all of that. She just needed to have me say thank you and show appreciation for her simple gesture of kindness. 

It made me think though about my latest plateau. I've been stuck at the same spot for about a month. Why have I not continued to make progress? I am not where I want to be even though I'm happy at how far I've come. I'm not happy staying in the same place and want to continue making progress. I'm thinking that maybe the efforts I've been making were enough to get me this far but not enough to take me farther...

I'm wanting to go farther so I need to push my efforts farther. I need to keep challenging myself. So I'm registering for a 10k in July and going back to tracking my food in My Fitness Pal. I'm going to be more diligent about my blog as well. :) Change makes change!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Day 21- "Cafe Rio, we're breaking up!"

.... As Taylor Swift says: "It's Over. It's SO OVER"

Like I said in an earlier post, Shane and I don't eat out as much anymore. It just doesn't taste as good anymore and I feel crummy afterwards.

Let me preface this with the fact that Cafe Rio was my favorite go to fast food. I know a lot of people don't consider it fast food, but I do. I mostly would get it as carry out. I started my love of Cafe Rio when I was 19 and living up by the University of Utah. It became a special place for my roommates and I. Even after graduation, we would meet up there to chat, laugh, and eat over glorious sweet barbacoa pork burritos and salads.

I was about three months into Beach Body when I decided to treat all of my DECA students to Cafe Rio while we were competing at our State Competition. I ordered my usual. It wasn't as good as I used to think it was. Several days later my body decided to go through an intense cleanse. I was sick for 48 hours straight. No breaks. Nothing stayed in. It was miserable. Our downstairs bathroom became a hazard zone.

Right before we went to Moab last weekend, we ordered Cafe Rio so we didn't have the dirty dishes to deal and could just focus on packing up the car. I ordered my usual. Not impressed anymore at all. I did feel noticeably uncomfortable afterwards. Several days later..... intense cleanse- The SEQUEL! This time it only lasted one day, but it ruined my Memorial Day. Shane and I had plans to get all sorts of stuff done and to do some fun things with Taylor!

That evening I was feeling well enough to go celebrate my good friend and old roommate (Catherine) graduating from Med School.

While we were all together we were reflecting on our love and history with Cafe Rio. I shared with them the recent shortcomings of Cafe Rio that I had experienced. My friend shared with a story as well: Her last trip to Cafe Rio ended up with her finding a moth in her salad and Cafe Rio accusing her of putting it there! They then tried to make up for it by offering her a free meal.... uh... no thank you!

So it's official- IT'S OVER. No more Cafe Rio for me. No more "extra meat"! No more of their salsa fresca or creamy house dressing. I'm done and I'm ok with it.

I can do better. My body deserves better. :)

Visiting Teaching is Inspired

My good friend Catherine also happened to be my first visiting teacher when I moved out on my own. She actually came to my house to visit teach my roommate who happened to  not be there at the time. I invited her and her partner in and they stayed to share and listen. I was having such a bad day and going through some really rough times. She was trying to care and comfort me and barely knew me! 

When I moved back to Bountiful to go to Weber, my visiting teaching companion and I had a really good system. Because we were all single, we would trade off hosting dinners each month with the girls we visit taught. I loved it. They almost became like a second family since we were all on our own. It was nice to have that sisterhood and support. 

After Shane and I got married, we moved into his parents house while they served a mission in California. I was blessed to have Lisa and her daughter in law April as my visiting teachers the entire time I lived there. They were so great about visiting and checking in with me often. They became good friends of mine and are such wonderful examples of selfless and loving women. 

Here in our new home, my first visiting teachers came soon after we moved in. They immediately befriended me and helped me to make friends in our new neighborhood. They introduced me to Zumba and continue to lift my spirit with their friendship and example! 

I love visiting teaching and know that it is an inspired program for Heavenly Father's daughters. It allows us to reach out of our comfort zones to look after and friend one another. It encourages us to serve and to let others serve us and our families. Visiting Teaching helps me to share my testimony and brings myself and the sisters I have the opportunity to serve closer to Christ. 

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Day 20- Summer is on it's way!

Shane and I spontaneously decided to go camping down in Moab with some friends for Memorial Day weekend. I can't believe I've never been there before! It was so beautiful! I loved the scenery, the hiking, the quality time with my family, and laughing with friends...

On our way! Thirty minutes in and realize that Taylor didn't get in the car with any shoes!

Yes, we look like we belong to Big Bird's family. 

I love this picture of Shane. He didn't get why I had him point his finger. 

Shane and Taylor were great climbers!

Taylor's first s'more!

Getting ready for a swim to cool down... 

I have about 5 days left of school. I'm two days in to my second Beach Body Challenge and am loving it! The accountability and the workouts are going to help me smash my goals! I have big plans for the summer:

  • Continuing to read the Old Testament. 
  • Put Taylor in a "mommy and me" swimming class. 
  • Camping! Lots of camping...
  • Get reunited with my cousins for my grandparents' anniversary party. 
  • Take care of my first garden and make some homemade salsa with what I grow. 
  • Succeed with second Beach Body Challenge. 
  • Go to the temple regularly. 
  • Take Taylor to the Treehouse Museum in Ogden. 
  • Run a 5K. 
  • Go mountain biking with Shane. 
  • Get my hearing checked... (I can't hear what people say unless they practically yell)
  • Take my family on picnics to the near by parks/lake. 
  • Try new recipes!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Day 19- I'm the CFO at my house! (Chief Food Officer)

Shane and I have this joke (since we're business nerds and all) that I'm the CFO of our house- CHIEF FOOD OFFICER. I'm strangely overprotective and controlling when it comes to menu planning, food storage, recipes, food for Taylor, or anything that has anything to do with food. Sadly, I even try to tell Shane how to season his own food.

Part of it is that I like to be in control and I like have a plan. One of my favorite activities is to plan out meals and grocery shop. Lamesauce I know. I also really am a food junkie- cooking shows, exploring recipes on pinterest, looking at pictures of food, and going out to eat at nice places. Can you see where I had problems once I had a job and a license?

Since the beginning of the year I have made a lot of changes. I'm just talking about the scale, but how I plan, shop, prepare, and eat food. For instance, we eat less beef. I rarely fix potatoes. We rarely go out for fast food. We eat less bread. We eat a lot of spinach, arugula, and romaine lettuce. We go through about two bags of Cuties a week. We don't buy soda and rarely buy juice. Through these changes and more, I've seen a big difference in how I feel and our weekly menu.

This week I've made everything from Cod tacos to steak with spinach, grape tomatoes, and a balsamic dressing. I still love food! But, I'm getting better at loving quality food and making healthier food for my family!!!

Seriously- if I ever made a recipe book it's title would be CFO!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Day 18- My Favorite Job of All...

So while I was busy at school today thinking about all the things I needed to do this week to get my classes ready for their final tests, what I needed to do to clean and organize my classroom, and what I needed to start doing to prepare for next year's classes- I started thinking about my FAVORITE JOB OF ALL!

I love being a mom and wife! I love grocery shopping, making dinner, giving Taylor a bath, the satisfaction of a clean house after a deep clean, going on walks with my family, reading with Taylor, family scripture reading on weekday mornings when I'm on a school break, folding laundry, planning meals, planning our week, planting flowers, watering the flowers, wiping Taylor's hands after a meal or snack, teaching her and showing her something new, hanging out with Shane, improving myself, educating myself, working out, inspiring others, taking pictures, and writing about my life and family.

Yes, I enjoy teaching and my students. I love business/marketing and DECA. My favorite job of all is being a mom and wife though. I am excited because I have found a new passion which combines teaching and nutrition/fitness- coaching! This summer I will get to stay at home and be a full time mommy while I continue to coach and help others reach their fitness and health goals.

I'm going to love what I do every day this summer! It also makes me look forward even more to when I switch to part time or completely leave teaching to raise my little ones.

I feel peace and comfort about this decision. I just can't wait!!!

Tonight's dinner was pretty good and would make a great dinner for a camp out!

Chicken Foil Dinners-
raw chicken breast, cut into strips
red pepper, chopped
onion, chopped
sea salt
black pepper

Wrap completely in foil! Bake or grill for 25 minutes!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Day 15-17: Everything has its opposite...

Day 15: Friday is My Favorite Day!

I love Fridays! Shane is always singing this song about the days of the week and how Friday is the favorite day. I honestly don't know if it's real or if he's made it up. He sings it with such confidence and pizazz! 

Today is our last activity for DECA. I am ordering pizza for the kids and we'll watch a slideshow of all of our pictures from the year. It's bitter sweet. I've loved the year, the students, and the fun memories we've made. I'm sad to see this year of DECA be over. But, I'm also excited for next year's presidency and competitions. Nationals will be in DisneyWorld! Woop woop! Can I feel the magic? Yes I can!!!

Tonight we helped our some of our neighbors pack up their truck to move up to Logan. I'm really going to miss their family! The mom and I really enjoyed talking and our kids had a lot of fun playing together! I got a good workout in with taking boxes out to the truck and back. Workin on the muscles!

I'm super excited though because our fence was put in today so we now can let Taylor run loose without fear of her running towards the alley or the street. We won't have random people walking through our yard as a shortcut or thinking it's community property. It looks so good and we're already spending a lot of our extra time out there! BBQ anyone????

I've also made the spontaneous decision that we're going to go camping on Memorial Day weekend with all the other crazy people who have the same great idea. We're going to go down to Moab and hike Arches National Park. I've never been! We've extended the invitation to our friends and some of them will be joining us as well! This will be our first campout with Taylor. Wish us luck!

Day 16: Everything Going Great to What Else Could Go Wrong? 

Shane woke up and headed to the basement to take his practice test (4 hours) for his first CPA exam he has next week. While he did that, I fed Taylor breakfast and worked out. AWESOME WORKOUT BTW!!! We're going to ready and head to the store I tell myself. We ended up going outside to peak at some of the yard sales that are going on. My neighborhood hosts a huge community yard sale. It was like Halloween out there. People going house to house for goodies. I heard about some awesome tamales down a couple of blocks so I went and bought what I could with my sad little $5 bill, stuck them in the fridge, and then headed out for our errands. 

First stop- Home Depot! I was in the search for shade flowers and no one seemed where they were. I finally found this awesome associate who looked younger than I am. She answered every question I had after I told her I was a yard virgin. I found shade flowers and all the things on my list. I even lifted four bags of mulch by myself into the car. Taylor was not a happy camper and needed a nap so we headed back. I stopped by at the tamale house now that I had more change. She was all out of the meat tamales so I couldn't get any for Shane. First Bummer. 

While Taylor slept, Shane and I went out to work in the yard. While Shane was digging up grass to start putting in the mulch around the perimeter of the fence he noticed that our sprinklers ended up on the outside of the fence... Uh oh! It's only by a couple of inches but the posts are cemented in. We called and left a message so we'll see what will happen. Second Bummer. BIG BUMMER.

After cleaning up and throwing stuff into the garbages, Shane went to close the garage door and it hit a piece of wood hanging out from one of the big cans. It made a grinding sound and wouldn't go all the way down even after Shane moved it. It took Shane and a friend both on ladders to get up there and fix the thing. I was scared we broke our garage door motor! Third Bummer. 

At the grocery store, Shane and I decided to divide and conquer. At this point we're just trying to survive the day. I was on a mission to buy all the things required to make the meals in the 5 Day Meal Plan for T25. It's meant to be used right when you start the program to get the best results. I'm determined to get the best results so I made a grocery list and that was what I was going to get! Shane took Taylor and went in search for half of the items. I did the other half occasionally checking in with each other. We're almost done when Shane comes up to me and whispers in my ear that Taylor dropped a glass jar of pesto sauce. It ended up all over his shoes, the floor, and Taylor. It smelled like pesto for aisles. I felt so bad that I was one of those people who spilled something and then had to have the employees clean it up. I would have done it myself but he insisted. Smelly Bummer. 

Finally, we were done for the day. I mean done. We mentally checked out. So we ordered take out from Olive Garden and I went to pick it up. They charged extra for bread sticks and the food didn't have the quality it consistently has when we go there. And they didn't include their delicious mints. Small, but Final Bummer. 

Yes, we went to bed early. 

Day 17: Sunday Is My REAL Favorite Day

This morning, I caught up on my training for BeachBody while Shane spent some time with Taylor playing. I'm not going to let myself get behind again on that because A) I don't want to do it on Sundays, and B) it would have helped to have that knowledge earlier last week. I started the T25 Five Day Meal Start today so I drank my fancy recipe for Shakeology and got my workout in. I love having Taylor near by while I work out. She claps for me and sometimes tries to do the moves. Also, it helps me not feel so silly when I shout out "yeah!" or "woo hoo!" or "We've got this!" or "Focus!". 

I played with my Tater Tot and read her some books. She's always finding books and bringing them to me! 

My AM snack: Nonfat Yogurt with grapefruit zest and honey

Taylor goes down for a morning nap (only on SUNDAYS...) and I rest or hang out with Shane. I took a bath today and read the Ensign. It was the General Conference edition so I was reading the Saturday morning sessions since that was the one that I missed. I love Elder Holland's talk. "Be strong", he says. He encourages us to continue to testify of Christ and to build our foundations on Christ. 

I get to dress nice on Sundays. On weekdays I'm normally looking for clothes in the dark because I don't want to wake Shane. I'm also trying to get ready in 5 minutes because I press snooze too many times on my alarm. 

Lunch: Veggie Burger (yes, that's what I said- but it was way good!) on whole grain bun, with avocado and salsa. Apples on the side. 

Get Taylor ready and give her lunch! Walk two minutes to church! 

I loved the talks today! Do I remember what they about now? Sadly no.  But I remember what I felt and how it motivated me to want to be better! I get the privilege of teaching the amazing three year olds. They are the cutest things ever and amaze me every Sunday! Today the lesson was on our hands and how Heavenly Father gave us our hands to do good! 

Taylor naps again... It is so needed and so appreciated by all. 

PM Snack: avocado, goat cheese, and walnuts wrapped in sliced turkey! THIS IS A KEEPER!

Relax with Shane. Taylor wakes up and plays with us while we fix dinner. 

Dinner: Grilled cod with cumin, sea salt, and lime juice. Shredded on a corn tortilla with cabbage, cilantro, and avocado. Taylor loved it! Shane rated it a 7!

We sat outside and enjoyed our flowers and wished our sprinklers were on the inside of our fence. We talked and were just at peace together.

I took Taylor on a walk to visit a friend. Taylor got out of her seat and got really wet in someone elses yard. I had to strip her down and do the rest of her walk in her knickers with her strapped in. 

We played more with Taylor then read her some books and put her down for the night. 

I just love Sundays. I feel peace, patience, and joy. Today, I was no longer bummed or upset about what happened yesterday. I just enjoyed the day, being at church, and being with my family. 

Monday, May 12, 2014

Day 14- Prayers are Heard

Prayer answered 1- Shane and I have been a little worried for the past 6 months because the location he works at for his company will be closing down in a year or two. We've prayed about it and have been seeking guidance in what to do. It has been a stressful process for Shane having to go through applications and resumes again. However, our prayers were answered today with an acceptance for a new job with American Express that includes a pay raise and a short commute.

What does this mean? It means that Shane can now focus on studying for his CPA exams and that for baby #2 I'll be able to comfortably switch to part time or be a stay at home mom!

Prayer answered 2- My wonderful best friend has been wanting to go through the temple and I was able to be there with her and two of our other good friends last Saturday. She is such a great friend and example to me. She is like a sister to me! I know how much it meant to her to be there at the temple. The temple is such a blessing in my life and I KNOW she had something to do with getting me there when I went myself. I was meant to live with these girls in college. They provided me with strength and support that I needed to overcome trials and to increase my testimony.

Prayer answered 3- Ever since before I was pregnant, I knew I wanted to set a good example for Taylor and for her to know Heavenly Father and our Savior because she knew me. Tonight during our prayer together, she started scrambling and groaning to get off my laugh. In my prayer I prayed that she would be able to be calm and feel loved. As soon as I said that she sat still and folded back her arms. I love that she knows to fold her arms during a prayer and I'd like to think that she is aware that something special is happening when we pray.

Prayer answered 4- Lately I've been praying to be able to have a good day and the energy to get done what I need to. No, Heavenly Father is not making my day good or giving more time in the day. But, my attitude has changed and I feel the Spirit stronger with me as go throughout all the little things that need to get done. Yeah I have a pile of laundry that needs to be put away. Ok... maybe three piles of laundry. I have dishes in the sink. But I'm sitting with my husband while I write this. He's watching a basketball game. Our daughter is tucked into bed. We visited his Aunt and Uncle tonight after we helped to clean the church. We ate dinner together at the table and talked about Taylor's silliness. It was a good day. :)

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Day 13- I'm going to be a coach!!!

I'm so excited! Earlier this week I made the decision to become a coach! I will be trained by Beach Body to help others reach their fitness goals and to motivate progress towards a healthier lifestyle! Currently, I've lost 28 pounds and am still going! I am more active, energetic, and feel happier about body than I have since I started college! I love Turbo Fire and will be starting up T25 soon. Shakeology has seriously changed my appetite and my cravings for junk. Joining the Beach Body Challenge in January has changed my life by helping change how I take care of me!

Before picture... 215 lbs October 2014. 
10 Months Postpartum, Size 18, XXL

Progress Picture...28 lb LOSS. May 2014.
Week 17 of Beach Body Challenge.

Size 12, Large

Read my story on previous posts to learn about what I'm doing differently and my weight loss journey. This has been an amazing experience so far and I plan to continue working towards a healthier body and lifestyle- for myself and for my family!  I'll be starting my second challenge soon for T-25! 

If you want to do a Beach Body Challenge to kick off the summer you need to contact me so I can get you on board!!!


I'm going to make some Shakeology and plan a workout this afternoon while I wait for my students to kill it at their competition! We're in Atlanta, Georgia for DECA and I am so proud of my students! I think if they've worked hard and prepared we could have some awards coming our way! 

We walked a lot today and yesterday. That's been awesome! Standing in line for Superman at Six Flags for 3 hours was not so awesome. We spent 6 hours at an amusement park and went on 2 rides! Woo hoo! But the time I've spent with my students and laughed was so much more fun. Today they're starting to compete, but we'll go tour the CNN Center later. 

I miss Taylor and Shane, but I know they're having their own "fun" this weekend as Shane flies solo with Taylor. 

Taylor and Shane having "Daddy/Daughter time" for breakfast!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Day 12- Beating Plateaus!

Day 12- Beating Plateaus!

Well, I think I went an entire week without posting... I'm not going to go back and try to make up what I missed... It was a good week though!

Yesterday I beat my plateau! I was stuck at 190 since mid march. It was my 25lb point which was a huge deal for me! I kept hovering in the low 190s and couldn't get past it. Reminding myself that it would eventually past if I put in the work, I saw my results yesterday. I weighed 189.5! Yes, a half pound down and I was celebrating! It wasn't about the number, but about the perseverance to keep going and to not give up. Today, I weighed in at 187.5! That's a 12.7% loss from my starting weight.

I'm continuing to get better at Turbo Fire and Taylor sometimes will clap and cheer me on or even start trying to do squats with me!

Seeing those small triumphs gave me a second wind of motivation, a much needed pay off, and confidence in the new habits I've formed. By the way, I LOVE eating grape tomatoes with my lunch!

I've decided that I'll finally post my before and "during" pictures this week. There will never be an "after" picture because I'll never be finished. This isn't something I'm doing until I reach my goals and then will stop and go back to the way it was before.

Weight loss aside, I have loved some of the things that I've done to help bring the Spirit into our home. It really does make a difference. So besides me reading to her, Taylor also has a love for me singing to her. She will just rest quietly in my lap while I sing to her. I don't get it- I sound like a dying country singer. Yeah, dying... in the process of dying. It's pretty bad, but she doesn't seem to mind. Maybe it's all those hours she sat in my belly while she listened to me teach at school. When she was little I used to make up songs or raps even about random Taylorisms. Our special song that always soothed her was "You are my Sunshine".

Lately, I've been singing hymns or Primary songs to her. I think she recognizes some from the ones she hears at church on Sundays- especially the Sunbeam song!

I love that the Spirit can still be felt when we're in the car together and I'm singing the Army of Helaman. I hope she feels something too. :)

Day 13- I Hope They Call Me On A Mission

Today at church we had the privilege of hearing from the missionaries during Sacrament Meeting. I loved their talks, passionate and encouraging testimonies, and invitation for us to rejoice in the Gospel! Shane and I have talked about it before, and we'd like to serve a mission when we're retired. I wanted to serve a mission actually before I met Shane and think I would love it. 

This weekend we had Shane's best friends and their wives come over for a BBQ. I did my best to work out before and ate a lunch to accommodate the extra calories for the festivities. My bun method is still my best friend at BBQs. I could even just use a half of bun and be fine. We didn't serve any soda and had our friends bring fruits and a garden salad. I did overeat on my favorite chips Ruffles Cheddar & Sour Cream and apple pie. 

But this morning, after breakfast, I was able to recruit our friends to do Turbo Fire with me! It was so much fun to work out with friends! We killed it! Their little boy even tried some of the moves with us. 

Day 14- Getting Prepared for Atlanta

This Friday I leave for a 6 day trip with some of my awesome students for DECA ICDC in Atlanta Georgia. I've made the decision that I will be taking my Magic Bullet with me to make Shakeology, KIND granola bars, grape tomatoes, mandarin oranges, and Turbo Fire to stay on track. I am excited because DECA is hosting a 5k while we are there and I'm going to register! I haven't done a 5K since before Taylor was born! I'm getting out of my comfort zone! With change, comes change!

Taylor is getting better at talking and is getting better at exercising her independence. Lately, she's been wanting to play in the trash can, turning off Shane's computer, or not following directions when we ask her to come to us. We just started doing time outs.... ahhhhh! Sometimes she screams and cries and other times she think it's funny to see if she can run away from  time out and out smart us. She is a clever little girl and really has a sweet heart, but she is definitely trying to see where her boundaries are. It's such a new learning experience for us- entering into discipline and rules. I'm really wanting discipline with love and guidance to show her how to behave and how to kind. We have no idea what we're doing though, but at least Shane and I are both on the same page and support each other when the other is having to handle a situation with Miss T. 

I'm going to miss them both so much! Last time I had a work trip, I came home after 3 days and cried when I held Taylor in my arms. 

I also discovered a new blog today that has tons of healthy, inexpensive, meal ideas! She lives in my neighborhood and really has put in a lot of work to her meal planning! I want to go to one of her classes I think. 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Day 11- Why be afraid?

So confession time... when I went to the IMC midwives earlier this week they weighed me as part of their regular routine. I remember that when I weighed in with them while I was pregnant their scale was ALWAYS 5 pounds above what I was weighing at home. Even if I weighed myself with the same clothes on and not eating or going to the bathroom in between, their scale always gave me 5 extra pounds. Sadly, my scale could be giving me a 5 pound kindness. Either way, consistency is what matters.

Consistently, I've been hovering between 190 and 195 for weeks. At the IMC, their scale put me at 200!!! I'm going under the assumption that I was probably at a peak for the day of 195 and their scale was giving me the 5 extra. I'm not crazy. I know that either their scale is wrong or my scale is wrong, but the two scales are always 5 off.

It doesn't matter that the scales are off, but what hit me at the IMC was that I still haven't dipped below 190. So I started reflecting on some of what I've learned from Turbo Fire. I asked myself, "Have I worked my hardest? If you don't know your limits, then you haven't been there yet. Can you push harder? Can you jump higher?"  I may have been saying that I care and want to lose more weight, but have I been acting like it? Nope. I know without a doubt, if were still doing the Beach Body Challenge with the motivation and effort that I was putting in at the beginning, I could've taken myself farther. Why not then? Why get comfortable? Why be afraid? Is it overwhelming? Yes. But the great success and changes I saw earlier this year were because I didn't care if it was scary, uncomfortable, or overwhelming. It only made me stronger. I don't regret it AT ALL so I need to be stop being afraid.

Even though today was supposed to be my rest day for the challenge, I did Hiit 15 and will be doing it again tonight. I ate one of my favorite salads for lunch:

Sunrise Salad:
arugula and spinach
cuties, peeled and segmented
glazed walnuts
low fat feta, crumbled
2 slices of bacon, crumbled
balsamic vinaigrette dressing

I'm calculating my calories and will be fixing a new recipe for dinner. I'll post it if it's a keeper!  I will reach my goal to get below 190 before school starts next Monday! 

Mommy bragging moment! Taylor has approached me today at least 15 times to want me to read to her. Different books and different times of day. My little girly loves me to read her books. She never is asking to get down off my lap to go play, she is instead saying "more, more, more" for me to keep reading to her! LOVE HER!!!!

Day 9- sprinng break 2014 woo hoo!

I feel so productive today! We started out our morning with prayer and scripture reading! I worked out to Turbo Fire for 40 minutes and then Taylor and I got ready to go to the park! She loved it so much! She cried when we had to leave. We did laundry together, made an art project with buttons, made some freezer meals, cooked Hawaiian Haystacks, read many books, played, repaired some broken picture frames, and even practiced going to the potty (not me, Taylor)!

It was such a good day. After Shane got home we ate (he said my Hawaiian Haystacks were delicious!) and then headed back to the park! I've  noticed a real difference in our home since we've been regularly reading scriptures and praying individually and together. The Spirit is stronger in our home and we are loving each other with a more Christ Centered love.

Above- Taylor relaxing after a long hard day of fun!

Day 10- We went to a park up north to meet up with some old friends of ours from where we used to live. Those moms are wonderful friends and I've really missed them! It was nice to see how their kids are growing and what they're up to! One of the friends at the park is my Beach Body Coach. She too has plateaued. For me, I think it's because I haven't been advancing in my workouts or in my nutrition. Change makes change. What I'm doing is maintaining. I don't want to maintain though. I want to change and continue to lose. Back to tracking calories tomorrow and working out hard even though it's supposed to be my rest day in the program.

I went back to IMC today about the IUD. Thankfully they were able to take it out... with a lot of yelling on my part. It really hurt! Hopefully my body will heal quickly and will be back to its regular scheduled programming in a month or two. My good neighbor watched Taylor while I had the appointment. When I went to pick her up she was all dressed up. Turns out her own little girl loves to dress up and had quite a fun time dressing up Taylor. I love having a girl because I too loved to dress up when I was younger.

I made cheeseburgers for dinner and should have made a salad with it but I didn't because of time. I should always prep a salad and eat it while I wait for dinner to finish. That used to work really well for me but I became complacent  and didn't think that it was necessary to continue that habit. I was wrong... I love learning lessons along this journey!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Days 6, 7, 8

Day 6- Girls Night!

I did my Turbo Fire workout right when I got home from work. Shane watched Taylor while I went with my best friend to meet up with our old friends that we lived with in college. We went to my favorite place- "Red Iguana" I ordered the same thing that I order every time. I know that it is a lot of calories but it's worth it! That's how I look at food now... some food definitely is not worth it. We had a lot of fun catching up and laughing!

 Day 7-  I love Saturdays!

We started our day right! Playing with Taylor, Shakeology, and working out to Turbo Fire! I made a budget and health friendly grocery list and then headed off to Costco with Taylor. I love Costco! We stocked up on canned fruit for our food storage, items for freezer meals, and lots of fruits and vegetables for the week! That evening, Taylor took a long drive up to Evanston WY to join my brother-in-law and his family for a BBQ. Shane stayed home to study for his CPA. He's working towards taking his first test later this May. It's a lot of work so we've been trying to make time for him to study.

Taylor and I loved seeing her cousins and spending time with their family. When it comes to cheeseburgers, I've learned to have just have one bun. I use the  same bun for one cheeseburger and one hot dog. Salad on the side, yes please! Water to drink, yes please! It was delicious and fun! My sister-in-law and I talked about making freezer jam sometime this summer! We both haven't done it before so I'm excited! In the fall, I want to learn how to make grape juice with my grandma.

Day 8- Sunday is a Special Day!

I've decided that I love working out in the morning and I end up being in a better mood the rest of the day. I'm wondering if I'll be able to wake up early enough to work out in the morning before Taylor wakes up...

I love going to church and feeling the Spirit. I love being able to hear the testimonies of others and to partake of the sacrament. Taylor is starting to run away now at church so that's a new adventure for us.  It's hard too because we have 1pm church and so we're there during the time that Taylor would take her afternoon nap.

I made a delicious dinner for tonight! It's a recipe from "Our Best Bites". I've made their Cheesy Chicken Enchiladas before, but tonight's was definitely my best version of it! Yes, I love mexican food and anything spicy. I know Taylor is my daughter because she ate half of one the spicy enchiladas! She's only one! She kept saying "more! more! more!".