Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Thomas is here!

Dec. 8 - 

Our little boy is here!!! SAFELY!!!

My water broke while I was at work which I was thankful for because the teachers were able to help me. If I was alone or with Taylor I could have been in a lot of trouble. The night before I had been warned by my midwife that if my water broke then there would be a possibility that the cord could get pulled down and have pressure on it that would be harmful for Thomas. 

The ambulance team was amazing and helped me with exactly what I needed in order to get all the way up to the U safely so Thomas could be delivered with the specialists. 

Shane was a great help during the contractions. He would rub my arm to distract me or would count the contractions down for me. I didn't have any pain medication and was breathing through them. Finally they started getting so bad that I felt light headed, nauseous or shaky. I said it was time for the epidural. But with a couple more contractions I felt the need to b push. Claudia checked and Thomas was ready. With three pushes he came out and no epidural!  He came right band had his eyes open! He wasn't crying but they immediately passed him through the window to NICU. It happened so fast. I barely saw him but Julie took some quick pictures. 

While I was getting finished we were anxious to find out how he was doing. They came and reported that Shane could be visit him soon. Shane visited him with Julie and came back in tears. His leg was straight up and was hooked up to a lot of tubes and wires.  

Dec. 9-  

We got very little sleep. I pumped every few hours. We went in and his leg was down! The nurses said he did it on his own randomly in the night. 

We visited him several times during the day. We were visited by the bishopric that night then by the genetic specialist. It was a very emotional meeting giving us the reality. He definitely had type 2 or type 3 Osteogenesis Imperfecta.  No matter  how long his life... it would be difficult.  Shane and I were in tears together. 


Shane and I met my parents at the hospital so tay could go to with them to lunch and out for an activity. ( village inn and children's museum).

Before the left we took papa Steve to see Thomas for the first time. You could tell that he was saddened by it and that he didn't fully understand how bad of shape our boy was in. Meg and kent also met us to give me a nursing bra so I can go hands free. So needed.... especially withTay. Also I can type stuff like this while I pump. I feel so overwhelmed with pumping every 3 hours or every 2.5 if I want to sleep. 

While Shane and I were there he got to change our boys diaper. It was fun to watch him get to be a normal dad. Shane would call him buddy or baby boy. I got to hold him in my arm for the first time. We took video of both of these. It was so wonderful to see how much thomas enjoyed being with us and being held. He was day 2 for the lights for jaundice but was only yellow in his man area. They also said if he keeps eating better than he'll get off IVs. He's up to 1oz! I'm pumping 6 to 8 oz each time so we're doing great. We got to feed him a little milk with a tiny syringe to give him a taste. He likes it! 


I got 5 hours of sleep! I only went to part of sacrament then went to see Thomas. I got to hold him again... he had some morphine for his pain today but was able to get off his lights from jaundice and has no iv!!!! I got to change his diaper and He pooped more during the change. Moments like that make me feel like a normal mom. I cry every time I leave him. 

Shane and I both received blessings today from the bishopric.  Taylor was having a whiny and temper Tantrum day so I couldn't hear most of mine but Shane's was wonderful. I know heavenly father will help us through this and that Thomas is a special spirit. Taylor afterwards asked for a blessing and Shane gave her one. She was so reverent and was so good the rest of the night...... 

Shane went to visit Thomas in the evening and was able to bathe him and wash his cute hair. Pratt family brought dinner. Also we found time to rest as a family tonight.... there is definite power in priesthood blessings. 

Dec. 14- 

We were supposed to meet rainbow kids at 9 but there was a horrible snowstorm and the streets were so slow because of the drivers. We followed GPS and it took us 2 hours. It took meg and Kent 3 hours to come get tay. 

Rainbow Kids answered some important questions for us and will be giving us more support on this journey. Taylor was pretty patient with hanging out with grandparents while did today's visit. 

Thomas was so restful today in my arms. They changed his pressure to be in more of little bursts. They also tried dressing him and swaddling him to see how he does with temp. 

I cried a lot today with feeling overwhelmed. I'm having a hard time balancing. ...Shane and I  often forget about meals or to rest. 

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