Monday, July 7, 2014

Day 25 & Day 26- Temple Service and 10K Training

Day 25- Service in the Temple

I love the temple! As a young girl, I really would dream about what the temple looked like on the inside and what it would be like, what I would I learn, and who I would marry in there some day. As a college student, I would take TRAX down to the SLC temple and would sit on the plaza staring up at the temple, read my scriptures, and write in my journal. As a wife and mother, I love to sit in the temple with my spouse holding hands and love to take Taylor to the temple grounds. The Primary song is still true for me- I love to see the temple!

When we lived in Centerville, there were one or two times when volunteers were needed from our ward to help clean the temple. Because it was during the school year, it would have been difficult to fulfill the service so early in the morning or so late at night. I had a strong desire though to serve the Lord and help clean the Lord's house.

My opportunity came last Sunday! A signup sheet was passed around during church to help clean the temple! I was so excited and signed up! I arrived at the temple in my Sunday best and walked in with a smile on my face and gratitude in my heart for the opportunity.

There were over 40 people there with me that had volunteered to spend their late evening helping to clean the temple. With reverence, we were given instructions and sent to complete our tasks. While cleaning, a very warm feeling came over my heart. I realized that some recent prayers of mine had been answered. I had been praying for opportunities to serve others for a week or two. In the temple, it became known to me all the ways I had been able to serve the last couple of weeks. I had received multiple opportunities to serve, had a heart desiring to serve, and took action to serve in the opportunities. I just didn't realize all of those acts were acts of service until I was in the temple. I know that Heavenly Father was teaching me about how my prayers WERE answered.

I am so grateful for the opportunity to serve and to be served by others. I am grateful for the temple and all of the blessings it has brought to my life. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve the Lord and the members in my community by helping to keep the temple clean.

Oahu Temple- taken from our visit during our honeymoon

DAY 26- Training for a 10K

I'm so excited! I registered for a 10 K that will take place in 11 days!!!! I can't believe I am going to do it! It's at midnight and will be glow in the dark themed! I haven't ran in a race since before Taylor was born so probably 2011. I know I can currently run 2 miles, but I need to get up to six. With dedication I know I can do it. 
Shane and I (with Shane's best friend Paul in the background) right before I started running Leg 1 of Ragnar Las Vegas

Taken after completing the Salt Lake Half Marathon
In my early twenties, I participated in two Ragnar Races, one Half Marathon, and several 5ks. It's not a matter of if I can run a 10K, but if I'm willing to work and train for a 10k. I want to do this for multiple reasons, but the biggest reason is because I want to show myself that I CAN DO IT! I am in better shape than I've been thinking. I want that feeling of accomplishment again- that I killed a goal that I set for myself. I really love a quote I found the other day about being in your own way. My own fears and doubts are the only thing that can keep me from training for this 10K. Am I going to let them? I am not. I am not going to let fear and doubt stand between me and training for this 10K. There is no reason why I can't run, train, and complete a 10K on the night of the 18th! 

I'm going to have my husband and parents there to cheer me on!!!! I don't care if I feel like collapsing afterwards or if I have to talk out loud to myself to keep my motivation up.... I'm going to finish!


  1. I'd like to use your thoughts on the temple in a preparation meeting if it's ok with you. Thanks for your testimony.
    We'll cheer you on in your 10 K even if we can't be there in person.

    1. Of course!!! I actually thought of you two a lot that evening and your wonderful service to the people that attend the Palmyra Temple!
