Friday, May 23, 2014

Day 19- I'm the CFO at my house! (Chief Food Officer)

Shane and I have this joke (since we're business nerds and all) that I'm the CFO of our house- CHIEF FOOD OFFICER. I'm strangely overprotective and controlling when it comes to menu planning, food storage, recipes, food for Taylor, or anything that has anything to do with food. Sadly, I even try to tell Shane how to season his own food.

Part of it is that I like to be in control and I like have a plan. One of my favorite activities is to plan out meals and grocery shop. Lamesauce I know. I also really am a food junkie- cooking shows, exploring recipes on pinterest, looking at pictures of food, and going out to eat at nice places. Can you see where I had problems once I had a job and a license?

Since the beginning of the year I have made a lot of changes. I'm just talking about the scale, but how I plan, shop, prepare, and eat food. For instance, we eat less beef. I rarely fix potatoes. We rarely go out for fast food. We eat less bread. We eat a lot of spinach, arugula, and romaine lettuce. We go through about two bags of Cuties a week. We don't buy soda and rarely buy juice. Through these changes and more, I've seen a big difference in how I feel and our weekly menu.

This week I've made everything from Cod tacos to steak with spinach, grape tomatoes, and a balsamic dressing. I still love food! But, I'm getting better at loving quality food and making healthier food for my family!!!

Seriously- if I ever made a recipe book it's title would be CFO!

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